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Hiring Experienced, Professional, Garment Pattern Makers :

“Discover the importance of professional garment patterns in NYC for your clothing line. Learn about costs, timelines,[…]

teacup,yorkie_dog_mannequin_phase2,dog harness,having our dog mannequin form made,sculpting.

The making of a yorkie/small dog mannequin

The making of a yorkie/small dog mannequin! This entire process of making a yorkie/small dog mannequin is[…]

blog,yellow designer dresses,lantie_foster,freelance fashion designer, emerging fashion designer

yellow designer dresses

Yellow designer dresses, shout out to fabulous yellow! A working freelance fashion designer’s view..:) I love yellow[…]

design clothes, dress design, freelance fashion designer, clothing manufacturer, clothes design

LinkedIn-Listed #1-Top Fashion Design Services!

We are listed by LinkedIn #1 Fashion Design Services A great surprise for 2016! The global &[…]

How much does it cost to start a clothing line?

So you want to start a clothing line? How much does it cost? #1 question fashion start-ups[…]