Custom dress form/mannequin on order for our freelance fashion design company!
Finally! Having our own dress form/mannequin custom made to our own personal measurements! This is very exciting for our freelance fashion design company. This Senior designer’s measurements are close to the editorial & e-commerce models we use. There I am being measured in a sea of ladies!…:)..:) It seems all the standard mannequins for designing/draping are too short waisted? Did you know the average height of women is 5’5″? Standard mannequins/dress forms are made for this height. That’s fine for your 1st samples but you will then run into problems as we do in our photoshoots. Photographing your size 2-4 samples, from a 5’5″ dress form, onto a tall 5’9″ model is not optimal in my opinion as the waistline & other design elements on the design will be too high on the model & look wrong. Very frustrating. You can have a duplicate set of samples of your deigns for the tall models, but do you really want to spend that kind of money? So, we are having a new custom dress form made. It will take 1 month for them to make our new mannequin by hand!..we can’t wait! Andy the mannequin designer is one of the last of his kind in NYC! “Andy”s Dress Forms”..on 35th street NYC!! Thank you ANDY!!..xx….
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